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Earned Honors: An Advancement Solution for Small Schools

February 6, 2025 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Audience: Curriculum Directors, Teacher Leaders, Principals, and Superintendents
PD Clock Hours: 1.5
Facilitator: Heather Crivilare, ELA Teacher at Virginia High School
Food: N/A
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

This session will introduce a program developed by the presenter at Virginia High School called “Earned Honors,” which is a way for students to take advanced coursework within a single-section core class. Through a series of teacher-created assessment adaptations, any student willing to put forth the effort to earn honors credit can do so within the class. This session will overview how to set up these programs from the teacher perspective with a guide for administrators. Data from the pilot of this program will be discussed. 

Registration closes on February 4, 2025.

2025 - 02/06 - Earned Honors: An Advanced Solution for Small Schools

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