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ROE #1 Academic Cohort Meeting Topic: Parent/Guardian Communication and Parent/Teacher Conference Preparation

September 11 @ 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Audience: ALL ROE #1 Educators
PD Clock Hours: 1
Facilitator: Johnna Terwelp, ROE #1 PL Coordinator, and Emily Pritchett, ROE #1 PL Specialist
Food: N/A
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

All ROE #1 educators are invited to join this month’s Academic Cohort Meeting. This meeting gives you a chance to collaborate with other teachers of your subject and/or grade level. This month’s topic of discussion will be parent/guardian communication and preparation for parent/teacher conferences. 

There is no “sign-up” for this meeting. Please check with your administrator for the link or email [email protected]  for more information.