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Short-Term Substitute Training

May 23 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Audience: Current or Future Substitute Teachers
PD Clock Hours:
Facilitator: ROE #1 Professional Learning Staff
Food: N/A
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

The Regional Office of Education is offering FREE three-hour trainings required for short-term substitute teacher certification. 

Prospective substitute teachers must have an Associate’s degree OR have completed 60 or more semester hours of college coursework.

You must complete this training and then you are ready to apply. You will be able to substitute in all grades of public schools, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. A short-term substitute license is valid until June 30, 2028.

Although not required for regular substitute teachers, the training is also open and available to those educators as well. The chart below shows the training dates and times.

Registration closes on May 21, 2025.

2025 - 05/23 - Short-Term Substitute Teaching Training

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  • Email where email confirmation will be sent. Please make sure this is your correct and current email address. This is where all information regarding this workshop will be sent.