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Unlocking Student Potential: Navigating Productive Struggle in Math!

February 13, 2025 @ 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Audience: K-12 Teachers and Administrators
PD Clock Hours: 1.25
Facilitator: Emily Pritchett, ROE #1 Professional Learning Specialist
Food: N/A
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

All educators are invited to join the second installment of Productive Struggle in the Mathematics Classroom! 

Discover how to effectively challenge your students, anticipate and address misconceptions, and reflect on the learning process. We will explore how to balance the journey of learning with achieving the right answer, helping students build essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Join us for 1, 2, or 3 sessions in this exciting series to enhance your teaching!

Registration closes on February 11, 2025.

2025 - 02/13 - Unlocking Student Potential: Navigating Productive Struggle in Math!

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