Look What I Can Do - The Sooner We Start, The Farther They'll Go

About Child & Family Connections

Child & Family Connections will assist your family with evaluations and assessments for your child, birth to age three, to determine eligibility for Early Intervention services.  We will then assist in developing an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), to help your child learn and grow, and to link you to many services in the community.

Early Intervention Services include:

  • Audiology
  • Assistive Technology
  • Developmental Therapy
  • Developmental Therapy-Hearing DTH
  • Developmental Therapy-Vision DTV
  • Nutrition
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Parent Liaison
  • Physical Therapy
  • Social-Emotional Consulting
  • Speech & Language Therapy

It is Up to You!
Helping your child reach his/her developmental milestones is the goal of all therapists. However, accomplishing these goals can only happen if you are involved.

  • Observe/Interact during the entire therapy session.
  • Ask the therapists questions.
  • Make sure you understand what the therapists are doing.
  • Follow the directions of the therapists.

Your child counts on YOU to provide him/her with the necessary skills that will lead to their highest level of development.

Helpful Child & Family Resources

Things to Watch for in the Development of Young Children

Gross Motor Fine Motor Social/Play Hearing/Vision
A baby can usually pick up his/her head to look around after three months.After four months, the hands of a baby should be mostly open an dshould no longer be in tiny fists or with thumbs tucked in.By four months, a baby smiles when spoken to and reaches out to be held by six months.A baby will usually blink at shadows and by four months follow objects with eyes.
A baby can usually site up after eight months.Infants and toddlers should not use one hand more than the other all of the time.By nine months, babies try to imitate sounds.An infant or toddler startles at loud noises and should fuss to be fed, have a diaper changed, or to be held. A baby should not be irritable all the time.
A baby should kick both legs at the same time and should not always push back with his/her shoulders when sitting. He/she should not arch the back and neck when lying on his/her back.By age one, a baby can pinch cereal bits between one finger and thumb.Around eighteen months, a toddler likes to imitate adults and should have 5-10 spoken words.By 6 months, a baby is interested in toys and people. He/she should try to locate the source of sound.
A toddler usually walks by fifteen months.By the age of two he/she likes to play near other children. A child should also use two-word phrases at this age.A toddler should not always have to hold items closely to see when and eyes should not cross for long periods.
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Service Area

Child & Family Connections (CFC), serves Adams, Pike, Brown, Cass, Morgan, Scott, Jersey, Greene and Calhoun counties. CFC staff will assist your family with evaluations and assessments of your child to determine eligibility for Early Intervention Services, birth to age three. CFC staff will then assist in developing an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), to help your child learn and grow, and link you to services you choose.

Quincy Office

510 Maine Street, Suite 615, Quincy, IL 62301

Phone: 217.222.9592 or Toll Free: 1.888.222.9592

Fax: 217.222.9593

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Quincy Staff & Territories

Kara Hoffman

[email protected]

Program Manager and Service Coordinator for CFC #17 - Adams County; Local Inter-agency Council Coordinator; Parent Liaison for CFC #17; AT Coordinator for CFC #17. 

Service Coordinator - Adams County

Christina Breuer

[email protected]

Service Coordinator - Adams & Pike Counties


Krisit Duelm

[email protected]

Social Emotional Consultant

Marilyn Webster

[email protected]

Developmental Pediatric Consultant

Jacksonville Satellite Office

409 Hardin Avenue, Suite 302

Jacksonville, IL 62650

Phone 217.245.8755  Fax 217.243.1565

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Jacksonville Staff & Territories
M. Ruyle-Kraut

McKenzie Ruyle

[email protected]

Service Coordinator - Scott, Morgan, Pike, & Greene Counties

Jordan Gill

Jordan Gill

[email protected]

Service Coordinator - Cass & Morgan Counties

Julie Vineyard

Julie Vineyard

[email protected]

Service Coordinator - Jersey, Greene, Morgan & Callhoun Counties; Local Interagency Council Coordinator, Parent Liaison for CFC #17.